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Public Notices
Standards commissioner asked to investigate MP's conduct
Singing mole stars in West Somerset authors book
Steam trains start again as plans for gala take shape
Pupils quiz MP on need for swimming pool
Air ambulance celebrates 25th anniversary
Alive today thanks to air ambulance team
Pupils in science contest inspired by Ada Lovelace
Volunteers aid village litter pick
Pacemaker patients safer with new monitoring project
Shane recognised as 'police staff member of year'
Government tells council 'fill potholes or lose money'
Councillors asked to sponsor sea front festival
Exmoor fingerpost sponsors help preserve beauty of landscape
Gate repairs finally underway in marina
Council partnership to develop youth wellbeing services
Buses to have priority at traffic lights
Europe's first zoo aquascape ecosystem built for bobcat
Town's refurbished public toilets spring a costly leak
Town Post Office saved and starting longer opening hours
Former councillor warns of new bank scam caller
Supporters thanked as steam trains start up again
Vicar's dog saved as blaze damages houses
Charity to set sail again after harbour fees deal
Village show highlights what is special about spring in the garden
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