A walk along the South West coastal path could be a 'significant benefit' to mental health.

The 630 mile route, which begins at Minehead, has been said to provide a number of health benefits.

Dr Lewis Elliot of the University of Exeter said: "Our research has found that approximately 271 million recreational visits are made to coasts and beaches in England each year and multiple studies indicate that these environments hold significant benefits for supporting physical activity, increasing social contact, reducing stress, improving mental health, and potentially reducing health inequalities.”

Breathing the sea air is also said to improve sleep, and reduce stress. A 2013 study published in the Health and Place journal found that: "individuals reported significantly better general health and mental health when living nearer the coast, controlling for both individual and area level factors."

This year marks the creation of the England coast path. When finished it will be over 2,700 miles long. To commemorate the start of the new path there will be coastal events held throughout the year.