If you live, work, or study in the greater Exmoor area, are between 18 and 35, and have a business idea related to Exmoor, consider applying for this opportunity.

The process is easy: fill out a simple form, provide a reference, and attend a short, friendly interview. For help with your application, contact our office. The deadline is August 27, 2024.

This award aims to help young people live and work in the area, showcasing how beautiful landscapes and successful businesses can thrive together in the National Park.

By supporting young entrepreneurs, the award highlights the teamwork between preserving natural beauty and helping economic growth within the Exmoor community.

If you feel this opportunity would suit you or someone you know, and you’d like to apply and be considered, visit here https://www.exmoorsociety.com/competitions-and-awards/pinnacle-youth-award to access the application form. 

Once you have completed the form, you can then email your application to [email protected].