OVER 35 local voluntary groups and charities had the chance to raise funds and showcase their activities free of charge at a special street fair organised by Watchet’s Coastal Communities team on the town’s Esplanade recently.

The event was in addition to the street fairs held on the first Sunday of the month throughout the summer.

Groups represented included Watchet Town Council task force, Watchet carnival, Watchet hedgehog group, West Somerset Brass and the Elliot’s Touch charity.

The Watchet Conservation Society took the opportunity to launch its latest venture, the Watchet Wildlife Group. A WCS spokesman said: “We will be working closely with West Somerset Wildways - part of the Somerset Wildlife Trust - and can look forward to free wildlife activities, quizzes and other challenges suitable for all ages.

“The WCS will shortly launch a Watchet Wildlife Group Facebook page.”

The hedgehog group was represented at Sunday’s fair by Jane Sharp, assisted by John Thwaites, chair of the charity Men in Sheds, who were selling hand-built, reclaimed, wooden wildlife items including hedgehog houses and bird and bat boxes.

There was plenty to see, including fossils supplied by geologists Gekoella and West Somerset Wildways provided many fascinating exhibits with a wildlife theme. A highlight of the day for children was a seashore safari explaining the mysteries of the beaches.

The WCCT stall showcased some of its current activities, including the Watchet Connects newsletter which is delivered to all households in Watchet, and courses run from the community building on the Esplanade when the voluntary bookshop is not operating.

Other WCCT services featured included young people’s activity - through Andy Westcott of Minehead Eye - and community transport using electric vehicles.

Street fair organiser Molly Quint said: “We were very happy to be able to give something extra back to Watchet in the current difficult times, by facilitating this event.

“It built on the activity in 2022 when we enabled fund raising for the Ukraine humanitarian efforts. As always, we are very grateful to all our participants and volunteers who made this such an enjoyable event and encourage everyone to come to our remaining street fairs in 2023.”

These will be on July 2, August 6, September 3 and October 1.