Planning applications received by Somerset Council in the week ending February 21:


3/01/25/002 Full Planning Permission, Demolition of existing single garage and erection of a replacement double garage with store to the rear and first floor ancillary accommodation space, Honeyrow Cottage, 5 Honey Row Lane, Bicknoller, TA4 4EE.


3/06/25/001 Full Planning Permission, Demolition of agricultural barns and erection of 4 No. dwellings and associated landscaping (to replace granted Class Q prior application ABD/06/24/001), Higher Beverton Farm, Brown Lane, Huish Champflower, TA23 0LP.


3/10/25/001 Full Planning Permission, Erection of Roadside Service Station including EV charging hub, petrol/diesel facilities, ancillary retail store and valeting facilities, drive-through coffee shop, access/egress and landscaping, Land to the north of Ellicombe Lane, Minehead.


3/37/25/003 Listed Building Consent, Various internal and external alterations (retention of part works already undertaken), 54 Swain Street, Watchet, TA23 0AG.

Applications can be inspected on the council’s website or at West Somerset House, Killick Way, Williton, during office hours, or electronically only at the Reception, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.


T/39/25/002 Tree Preservation Order - works related Application to carry out management works to one Holm Oak included in West Somerset District Tree Preservation Order T/3/76 (Williton 1992), The Vicarage, 24 Priest Street, Williton, TA4 4NJ.

Planning applications recently determined by Somerset Council:


3/32/24/023 Granted, Variation of conditions, Variation of Condition No. 02 (approved plans) of application 3/32/21/007, Land South of High Street, Stogursey, TA5 1PL.


3/37/24/002 Granted, Outline Planning Permission, Application for outline planning with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of up to 3 No. dwellings on land to the rear of No. 6 Cherry Tree Way, 6 Cherry Tree Way, Watchet, TA23 0UB.


3/39/24/022 Granted, Listed Building Consent, Installation of a flue to serve combi-boiler, replacement of 4 No. windows with double glazed units and formation of WC/sink room at first floor level, Chaplins, 4 Limpetshell Lane, Williton, TA4 4QR.

T/39/25/001 Granted, Tree Preservation Order - works related Application to carry out management works (pruning lateral growth on the east side) to one birch tree included in West Somerset District Tree Preservation Order T/3/112 in the southeast corner of Williton Recreation Ground, Williton, Williton Pavilion, Williton War Memorial Recreation Ground, Robert Street, Williton.

Planning applications received by Exmoor National Park Authority in the week ending February 21:


6/29/25/002LB West Lynch Farm House, Bossington Road, Selworthy, TA24 8HJ, Listed Building Consent for the proposed internal alterations together with installation of ensuite to bedroom and repairs to northeastern chimney stack. Retrospective.


6/43/25/004L Branscombe Farm, Wootton Courtenay, TA24 8RA, Listed Building Consent for the proposed replacement of 5no sash windows on the west elevation.

A copy of applications including all plans and other documents submitted can be viewed at by following the links from the planning page to the planning application search section and inserting the application number. Alternatively, applications can be inspected during normal office hours at Exmoor House, Dulverton.