WELLINGTON town centre will become illuminated with the big Christmas lights switch-ontaking place on Saturday, November 27.

Members of Wellington Town Council agreed at their August meeting that the switch-on should be November 27 to coincide with the Somerset Farmers’ Market taking place earlier that same day.

Councillors have often debated when the lights switch-on should take place with some wanting it earlier in November to give traders more chance to cash-in on the festive spirit.

But on this occasion the issue was agreed with very little conversation among councillors.

"It seems a great idea to me to do it on November 27," said Cllr Vivienne Stock-Williams. "I know we usually get free parking on the four Saturdays leading up to Christmas and this would fit in well with that."

It was agreed that the council would check with Somerset West and Taunton Council to see if the free festive Saturday parking initiative would be taking place this year.

The Mayor, Cllr Mark Lithgow, told councillors that the district authority lost a lot of income during the pandemic when it was offering free parking.

In the past Cllr Lithgow has suggested that the switch-on of the lights should be held five Saturdays before Christmas rather than four.

But that idea was ruled out by councillors as they accused traders of taking away the special religious symbolism of Christmas and trying to turn it into a jingle tills boom time.

Back in 2019, when the matter was being discussed, Cllr John Thorne said that, although he was an atheist, he was shocked that Christmas seemed to be turning into a commercial venture rather than a Christian celebration.

And he added: "I’ve even heard it suggested that Father Christmas was invented by Coca-Cola because they have it on the side of their lorries!"