St Margaret's Hospice is putting on The Big Somerset Cricket Bash, a 10 kilometre fundraising walk to the County Cricket Ground. Said to be fuelled by bacon sarnies, the trek will see participants taking in the sights of Taunton.

Walkers will then be granted free entry to the County Ground where they will be able to cheer on the Somerset team as they take on Nottinghamshire on the first day of the County Championship match.

Throughout the day men and women will come together to share precious memories of loved ones who have died, and talk openly about bereavement.

Ellie Weston, Marketing and Events Officer at St Margaret’s said, “It’s well recognised that many struggle to talk about their feelings. In addition to the services offered by our Bereavement Support Team, we wanted to provide an outlet for men and empower them to come together and talk openly”.

“To be able to provide a safe environment for conversations to happen, free from embarrassment and amongst those who have gone through a similar experience, can be really cathartic for many.”

Andy Kennedy, a support of the hospice charity and a keen cricket fan knows how positive it can be to talk feelings through following bereavement. Andy's wife Tanya was referred to hospice in 2017 following a terminal cancer prognosis.

Over the past two years Andy has attended over 20 counselling sessions with the hospice's bereavement team. He said they: "kept me buoyant and helped me to function in what was one of the most difficult times in my life.”

Gordon Hollins, Chief Executive of Somerset County Cricket Club said, “We’re delighted to partner with St Margaret’s Hospice on this event. Men’s mental health is becoming an increasingly common topic of conversation in cricket so to be working with a charity that does such outstanding work in the community we serve, is a real privilege. 

"We’re delighted to be at the forefront providing the venue for what we hope is the first of many such fundraising events to come.”

The event will take place on June 25, with an admittance price of £25 for adults and £20 for children. The event is being sponsored by Taunton based firm, Rotec Hydraulics.

Paul Prouse, Managing Director of Rotec Hydraulics, said: “It is our great pleasure to support St Margaret’s Hospice Care by sponsoring The Big Somerset Cricket Bash.

"The vital work they do to help patients with life-limiting illnesses, together with their families and carers is remarkable.” 

For further information visit the St Margaret's hospice website.