OCTOBER 19 marks a momentous year for Exmoor as the park celebrates its 70th anniversary.

In the aftermath of World War II, Britain witnessed the birth of transformative institutions, including the National Health Service, the welfare state, and national parks. 

The landmark legislation passed in 1949 paved the way for the establishment of these parks, with the first being designated in 1950. 

It wasn’t long before Exmoor followed suit, and in 1954 Exmoor was officially designated as a National Park, marking an important milestone in the conservation of the area's unique landscapes, wildlife, and cultural heritage.

Now, as Exmoor National Park reaches its 70th year, it continues to offer unparalleled natural beauty and resources to everyone. 

To celebrate Exmoor National Park, the park board is hosting a range of events for everyone to get involved with, kicking off in autumn this year.

Celebrations will include a unique 70 mile walk, a new bridge opening, and a virtual tour discussing 70 historic sites from around the park.

Be sure to keep an eye their social media for the big 70-day countdown, where the park will be sharing daily facts about this amazing place.

The team at Emoor National Park is encouraging as many people as possible to get involved with the coming celebrations, and to continue enjoying this natural wonder.

When posting your Exmoor pictures to social media, make sure you use the hashtag #ExmoorDay.

For more information, visit: https://www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk/exmoor-for-everyone/exmoor70