THE Hooper family have raised over £1,000 in memory of their beloved nephew Sam Price, who tragically died last year.
Sam, who was aged just 19 when he passed away in September 2023, was a Minehead local with a passion for rugby who proudly represented the town's Barbarian's mini team in a memorable trip to France.
Sam's mother, Clare Sturman, has so far raised more than £6,500 to help develop support channels for people suffering with their mental health and lobby the government for a change in policy around the issue.
That campaign has seen a fresh boost after Sam's auntie Shelley, uncle Anthony and cousins Hollie and Sophie completed a 19-mile fundraising walk from Minehead to Donniford. Each mile walked represented a year in Sam's life, with the funds raised set to go toward suicide prevention services and support for families and friends affected by the suicide of a loved one.

Clare said the sponsored walk was a heartfelt tribute which emphasised the need for action on suicide prevention, while celebrating Sam's 'vibrant' life. Commenting, she said: "The Hooper family's walk is a powerful symbol—a tribute filled with love, but also a call to action.
"It echoes Sam's vibrancy, emphasizing the need for suicide prevention education and support for those affected. From this tragedy, they are crafting a legacy of hope, ensuring that others find strength and assistance in their darkest moments."
Clare's initiative, 'The Sammy-sized GAP' is campaigning for a change in government policy to allow friends and family to refer adults they are concerned about to the relevant agency. Clare has warned against young people 'self-medicating' to cope with a mental health crisis, and appealed for contributions to her fund which will help offer the right kind of support. She said:
"If you know our Sam or know of another young person who is struggling with the kind of issues young people are facing today and who might be tempted to seek out ways which they believe will numb the pain, anxiety, hurt, feelings of isolation, despondency and joylessness, please give as much as you are able to this fund. On Sam’s behalf, we will be very grateful."