FITZHEAD residents Mark and Elaine Bugler dressed up their Dartmoor pony ‘Mossy’ to raise money for the 14th century village hall.
‘Mossy’ and his ‘ChrisMoss’ carriage travelled around the village on Saturday, December 14, offering passengers a festive tour of the area in aid of the Fitzhead Tithe Barn.

A former star of BBC One’s Spotlight, the famous Dartmoor pony brought cheer to the local children and adults, accompanied by a crocheted Father Christmas created by Mandy Bool.
As well as a chance to exhibit the ‘ChristMoss’ regalia, the village tour acted as part of Mossy’s new carriage training program.
Elaine Bugler said: “Mossy is a real character and popular around the village. He just loves people and couldn’t wait to do his bit and hope to repeat this event every year. We are hoping to visit nursing homes with him next year.”