CARHAMPTON Gardening Club hosted their Annual Flower and Produce Show on Saturday, September 7.

The annual show welcomed an increase in entries for most categories compared to 2023, despite two days of continuous rain prior to the event.

A spokesperson for the show committee said: “Thanks to all the helpers in the preparations of the show, stewards on the day, competitors and the judges.”

Greta Thrush, one of the club's founder members, presented the trophies.

Cup results in full:

  • Overall - Dee Mayo
  • George Hensley for Runner Beans - Dee Mayo
  • Maureen Claris for Pansies - Dee Mayo
  • Onion Cup - Dee Mayo
  • Rose Trophy - Joan Cridge
  • Brett Jones Fuchsia Cup - Sue Bloomfield; Emily Feldberg
  • Louise Miles Pot Plant - Dave Hutchins
  • David & Greta Thrush Floral Art - Ms Mave Kedward
  • Photography - Stuart Heesom
  • Handicrafts - Ms Mave Kedward
  • Wines - Roy Francis
  • Gordon Perry for Fruit - Roy Francis; Dave Hutchins
  • Gerald Bellany for Vegetables - Dee Mayo
  • Flower Cup - Christine Paine
  • Cookery and preserves - Ms Mave Kedward
  • Landlords for fruit and vegetables - Roy Francis; Dee Mayo
  • Exhibit Award - Fruit - Dave Hutchins; Vegetables - Dee Mayo; Flowers - Dave Hutchins; Preserves - Ms Mave Kedward; Cookery - Lucy Parker; Handicrafts - Janice Peters; Wine - Roy Francis
  • Class results (in 1, 2, 3 order)
  • Apples - culinary - Emily Feldberg; Stuart Heeson; Janice Peters
  • Apples - desert - Stuart Heesom; Roy Francis; Lucy Parker
  • Pears - Dave Hutchins; Gary Bloomfield
  • Plums - Dave Hutchins
  • Blackberries - Roy Francis
  • Raspberries - Roy Francis; Stuart Heeson
  • Any other fruit - Dave Hutchins; Ian Albutt; Roy Francis
  • Beetroot - Roy Francis; Dee Mayo; Emily Feldberg
  • Cabbage - Gary Bloomfield
  • Beans - dwarf - Dee Mayo; Roy Francis
  • Beans - runner - Dee Mayo; Christine Paine; Angie Gibbs
  • Carrots - long - Roy Francis; Ian Albutt
  • Carrots - stump - Dee Mayo
  • Leeks - Angie Gibbs; Dee Mayo
  • Courgettes - Christine Paine; Roy Francis
  • Sweet corn - Dee Mayo
  • Onions sets - Dee Mayo; Roy Francis; Gary Bloomfield
  • Onions - pass through 3" ring - Gary Bloomfield; Dee Mayo
  • Spring onions - Dee Mayo
  • Peppers - Christine Paine
  • Potatoes - white kidney - Roy Francis
  • Potatoes - white round - Christine Paine; Roy Francis
  • Potatoes - coloured kidney - Ian Albutt
  • Shallots - culinary - Dee Mayo
  • Shallots - pickling - Dee Mayo
  • Tomatoes - outdoor - Roy Francis; Chrstine Paine
  • Tomatoes - outdoor cherry - Sue Smith; Roy Francis; Ian Albutt
  • Tomatoes - indoor - Chrstine Paine; Roy Francis
  • Tomatoes - indoor cherry - Angie Gibbs; Dee Mayo; Emily Feldberg
  • Heaviest marrow - Gary Bloomfield
  • Collection of any vegetables - Christine Paine
  • Pair of any vegetables - Dee Mayo; Roy Francis; Teresa Grant
  • Longest runner bean - Dee Mayo
  • Bunch of 6 culinary herbs - Roy Francis; Diane Heesom; Angie Gibbs
  • Dahlias - Christine Paine; Roy Francis
  • Dahlias - ball type - Chrstine Paine
  • Dahlias - vase of - Christine Paine; Diane Heesom; Ms Mave Kedward
  • Gladioli - large - Christine Paine
  • Gladioli - vase of - Christine Paine
  • Pansies - Dee Mayo
  • French or African marigold - Ian Albutt
  • Roses - hybrid tea - Joan Cridge
  • Roses - floribunda - Dee Mayo
  • Roses - vase of - Diane Heesom; Joan Cridge
  • Specimen Rose - Joan Cridge
  • Sweet peas - Teresa Grant; Diane Heesom; Christine Paine
  • Hydrangeas - ordinary - Ms Mave Kedward; Diane Heesom; Joan Cridge
  • Annual - Teresa Grant; Diane Heesom
  • Herbaceous perennials - Dave Hutchins; Diane Heesom; Teresa Grant
  • Five fuchsia blooms - Emily Feldberg; Dee Mayo; Janice Peters
  • Pot plant - foliage - Dee Mayo; Dave Hutchins; Ms Mave Kedward
  • Pot plant - in bloom, up to 5" pot - Dave Huchins
  • Pot plant - in bloom - over 5" pot - Christine Paine; Dave Hutchins; Ms Mavbe Kedward
  • Orchid - Dave Hutchins; Dee Mayo; Christine Paine
  • Fuchsia - Sue Bloomfield; Christine Paine
  • Cactus or succulent - Dave Hutchins; Dee Mayo; Ms Mave Kedward
  • Floral Arrangement with candle - Ms Mave Kedward; Lucy Parker; Janicce Peters
  • Floral arrangement - Upward Crescent - Lucy Parker; Janice Peters; Ms Mave Kedward
  • Floral arrangement - Summer Glory - Ms Mave Kedeward
  • Floral arrangement - Continental - Ms Mave Kedward; Janice Peters
  • Pot of jam - soft fruit - Ms Mave Kedward; Lucy Parker; Dee Mayo
  • Pot of jam - stone or top fruit - Ms Mave Kedward; Lucy Parker; Teresa Grant & Dee Mayo joint
  • Pot of jelly - Ms Mave Kedward; Lucy Parker; Christine Paine
  • Pot of lemon curd - Gary Bloomfield; Ms Mave Kedward; Lucy Parker
  • Pot of marmalade - Christine Paine; Stuart Heesom; Kay Cheeseman
  • Pot of Chutney - Ms Mave Kedward; Lucy Parker; Christine Paine
  • Pot of pickles - Teresa Grant; Lucy Parker; Gary Bloomfield
  • Victoria sponge - Sue Bloomfield; Sue Smith; Kay Cheeseman
  • Apple and caramel cake - Ms Mave Kedward; Teresa Grant; Sue Smith
  • Tiffin cake - Lucy Parker; Ms Mave Kedward; Sue Smith
  • Pineapple upside down cake - Ms Mave Kedward; Lucy Parker: Sue Smith
  • Bakewell tart - Lucy Parker; Sue Smith; Teresa Grant
  • Cottage loaf - Sue Smith; Ms Mave Kedward; Teresa Grant
  • Quiche - Angie Gibbs; Ms Mave Kedward; Christine Paine
  • Photo of beach scene - Teresa Grant; Dee Mayo; Janice Peters
  • Photo of the colour blue - Janice Peters; Stuart Heesom; Teresa Grant
  • Photo of agricultural equipment - Stuart Heesom; Janice Peters; Lucy Parker
  • Photo of a stream - Ms Mave Kedward; Stuart Heesom; Teresa Grant
  • Picture of a marine animal - Kay Cheeseman; Judith Norton
  • Handmade birthday card - Ms Mave Kedward; Angie Gibbs; Dee Mayo
  • Stitched item - Janice Peters; Lucy Parker; Teresa Grant
  • Knitted or crochet item - Ms Mave Kedward; Joan Cridge; Angie Gibbs
  • Bottle of white wine - sweet - Roy Francis
  • Bottle of white dry wine - Roy Francis
  • Bottle of red wine - dry - Ian Albutt
  • Bottle of rose wine - Christine Paine
  • Bottle of homemade liqueur - Ms Mave Kedward; Ian Albutt: Roy Francis