Planning applications received by Somerset Council in the week ending February 23:


3/02/24/002 Variation of conditions, Variation of condition 6 of planning permission 3/02/23/010 to amend the wording in respect of the pre-commencement condition to apply to the installation of external lighting to the west elevation only and the information to be submitted for approval of details, The Green, Brompton Ralph, TA4 2RU.


3/21/24/016 Full Planning Permission, Replacement of 12 No. timber framed windows, 1 No. metal framed window and 3 No. timber framed doors with PVCu double glazed windows of the same style, Flat 3 Mount Royal, Weirfield Road, Minehead, TA24 5QF.


3/30/24/002 Full Planning Permission, Erection of classroom building, shop and office for farm visits and agricultural use with relocation of access and associated works, Land at Elsworthy Farm, Skilgate.


3/37/23/027 Variation of a Section 106 Agreement, Variation to a S106 on application 3/37/12/014 to amend tenure of affordable housing from affordable rent to discount market sales, 2-3 Mill Street Bakery, Mill Street, Watchet, TA23 0FA.

Applications can be inspected on our website or electronically only at the Reception, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.

Planning applications determined by Somerset Council in the week ending February 23:


3/09/23/005 Granted, Full Planning Permission, Erection of replacement link extension (resubmission of 3/09/23/001), Streamcombe Farm, Streamcombe Lane, Dulverton, TA22 9SA.


3/21/23/103 Granted, Outline Planning Permission, Application for Outline Planning with all matters reserved, except for access, for the erection of 1 No. detached dwelling, 9 Paganel Road, Minehead, TA24 5ET.

3/21/23/108 Granted, Variation of conditions, Variation of Condition No. 02 (approved plans) of application 3/21/23/039 to amend the design of the dwelling to include a first floor over the approved rear extension, Land adjacent to 106 Periton Lane, Minehead, TA24 8DZ.

3/21/24/001 Granted, Full Planning Permission, Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 3/21/23/068 in order to incorporate a hipped roof dormer to the side (east) elevation for a new ensuite at first floor level, Combe Meadows, Woodcombe Lane, Minehead, TA24 8SA.

T/21/24/002 Raise no objection, Tree Works in Conservation Area, Notification to carry out management works to one pine tree within Higher Town Conservation Area, Flat 2, Hill House, Church Road, Minehead, TA24 5SY.


3/28/23/003 Refused, Full Planning Permission, Demolition of dwelling and erection of 3 No. dwellings with associated works, Tremont, 33 Tower Hill, Williton, TA4 4JR.


3/31/24/001 Granted, Listed Building Consent, Replacement of conservatory and windows to front elevation with internal alterations to first floor, Manor House, 1 High Street, Stogumber, TA4 3TA.


T/32/24/001 Raise no objection, Tree Works in Conservation Area Notification to fell one pine tree within Stogursey Conservation Area, 29 Castle Street, Stogursey, TA5 1TG.

Planning applications received by Exmoor National Park Authority in the week ending February 23:


GDO 24/04 Cutcombe Market, Dunkery Road, Exford, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 7DT, Prior notification for proposed installation of a 20m high telecommunications installation, antennas, cabinets and associated development, Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited Hive 2, 1530 Arlington Business Park, Theale, Berkshire, RG7 4SA.



Works to tree in a conservation area: To pollard/reduce Lime Tree by 6-7m, Ms I. Gage.


6/25/24/001DC Lilycombe House, Porlock, Minehead, TA24 8JB, Proposed discharge of condition 6 (Sewage Disposal System) of approved application 6/25/21/109, Mr R. Martin.

A copy of applications including all plans and other documents submitted can be viewed at by following the links from the planning page to the planning application search section and inserting the application number. Alternatively, applications can be inspected during normal office hours at Exmoor House, Dulverton.