A BUMPER crop of new members was welcomed at the winter meeting of the local branch of the Bath & Wells Diocesan Association of Change Ringers.
The bellringers met at Luccombe church and village hall and there were ten new ringers from eight different towers across West Somerset.
Bad weather meant that three of them – Carol Cottle, of Winsford, Sue Sanders, of Clatworthy, and Andrew Thomas, of Dulverton – were unable to get to the meeting but they have been presented with their certificates at subsequent branch events.
Chairman Chris Mitchell congratulated everyone on their achievements and wished them well in their bell ringing career.
Pictured are the seven new members at the meeting, from the left, Andrew Winter and Lyn Stephens of Crowcombe, Melody Hawtin from Porlock, Steffi Penny of Old Cleeve, Kim Williams from Minehead, Rachel Barber of Skilgate and David Butt from Winsford.