THE county Highway Authority has expressed concern about a set of traffic lights in Yeovil, but no money was likely to be available for upgrading in the near future, local councillors were told.
Members of Yeovil Town Council felt that the safety of pedestrians was being compromised as the lights did not offer a safe phase.
The council's view was echoed by Preston Comprehensive teacher Bruce Trill, who raised the matter at a recent meeting of a council committee.
A new set of lights had been installed at Stiby Road, and the town council approached the county council for money to upgrade the Preston Road lights to Stiby Road standard.
Highways official Chris Betty said he shared the concern expressed by councillors. He also explained that the traffic lights had been commissioned in 1979, based on the traffic flow of that time.
"A scheme such as this, with the addition of pedestrian phases, is likely to increase delays for vehicles at the junction and would have to be approached carefully," he said in a letter to the council.
It was unlikely that funding for new lights (£150,000) would come from the county's Local Safety Scheme budget, due to the site being relatively safe when measured against the whole highway network throughout the county.