This morning in Minehead, expect a mix of sun and clouds with a temperature of 15°C.

No rain is forecasted for the morning hours.

Moving into the afternoon, the temperature will remain steady at 15°C.

However, anticipate scattered showers as the day progresses.

Looking ahead to tomorrow morning, it will be slightly cooler with a temperature of 14°C.

Again, no rain is predicted for the morning.

By the afternoon, the temperature will rise to 15°C under clear skies.

There won't be any rain to worry about in the afternoon hours.

In terms of the general trend for the next few days, temperatures will range between 15°C and 17°C.

Expect a mix of sun and scattered showers throughout the week.

The average temperature will be around 17°C.

That's all for the weather update.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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