Avon and Somerset Police have responded to claims they failed to deal adequately with late night antisocial behaviour in central Minehead.
Officers were called to Friday Street in Minehead the weekend before last to disperse drunken youths who were congregating in Wellington Square and playing loud music.
A local resident who repeatedly called the police said when they eventually came, they ‘didn’t even get out of their car’.
Danielle Prosser, a former town councillor, says she saw fighting, drug-taking and youths urinating up against the church wall. She says the police response was totally inadequate.
This week in statement Avon and Somerset police said that ‘no criminal offences were identified’.
PCSO Katherine Williams, from the Minehead Neighbourhood Team, said: “Officers attended at about 1.30am and found a small number of people in the area.
“No criminal offences were identified but police remained in the area for a time to monitor. No further calls were received.
“Neighbourhood officers will be in contact with the member of public to discuss any persistent antisocial behaviour issues to understand how we can help alleviate that problem.”
She added: “Demand for policing resources across the whole of Somerset tends to be higher across the summer months, due to the number of visitors to our area, big events taking place and more people being out and about.
“We have force-wide plans in place to help us respond to the most significant incidents as quickly as possible but will during the busiest times have to prioritise incidents based on the threat, harm and risk posed to protect the public’s safety.
The police added that the number of reported crimes in Minehead ‘remains low’ and consistent year-on-year, and the town’s police station remains operational, although on reduced hours.
Foot patrols are regularly carried out by officers around Minehead, the police said, and those witnessing antisocial behaviour were urged to report it online or phone 101.
The police spokesman added: “People should report nuisance noise issues such as loud music, noisy pubs or rowdy parties to their local council, or in appropriate cases to their housing association or landlord.”
They said they wanted to make it clear that Minehead Police Station remains open, though with shorter fluctuating hours due to staff shortages.