ANGRY Washford residents claim that Somerset Council has failed to act for two years over warnings that using a public footpath in the village could put lives at risk.
The council was this week accused of ignoring the danger posed by three dead trees on part of a railway embankment beside the footpath north of the Castle Mead housing estate, after one - killed by ash dieback disease - crashed onto the path during last weekend’s storm, damaging property and blocking the path.
“This could have been a potentially life-threatening incident,” said Pat Howard, whose garden is next to the footpath and whose fence was damaged by the fallen tree.
“We have been trying for years to find out who actually owns the trees, but the fact remains that Somerset Council has the responsibility to ensure the safety of footpath users and it has failed to do this.
“The two remaining trees remain a precarious hazard and could fall at any time. They should be removed as a matter of urgency. In the meantime, the path remains dangerous and should be closed until it can be made safe.
“The problem is that no one will admit responsibility for the present situation.”

A spokesperson for Castlemead Washford Management Ltd, which manages eight flats next to the footpath, said: “We recently wrote to Somerset Council, reiterating our concerns and calling for the footpath to be closed. To date we haven’t received a response.”
The Free Press has learnt that Old Cleeve Parish Council also expressed concerns to Somerset Council in October this year but they, too, had not yet received a reply.
The company spokesperson added: “All warnings have been ignored, culminating in last weekend’s potentially life-threatening incident. The path remains blocked and no warning signs have been erected.
“Ownership of the land is irrelevant. Surely Somerset Council has a responsibility to ensure walkers can use a public footpath without the risk of a tree crashing down on them, causing serious injury or worse.”