SACRED Heart Church in Minehead hosted Susan Milne, who brought with her a home-made Italian ‘presepio’, a nativity feature at the heart of the Roman Catholic Christmas tradition.

Ms Milne gave a talk in which she explained her early life in Rome, her observations of Catholicism in Madrid, and the tradition surrounding the ‘presepio’.

The Italian word ‘presepio’ has Latin origins and roughly means ‘manger’. It was believed to have been created 1,100 years ago, in 1223, by St Francis of Assisi. 

After a visit to the Holy Land, Assisi came back to visually illustrate the story of Jesus’ birth for the common people of Italy, most of whom could not read or write.

He created a ‘living’ tableau, with townspeople playing the parts and bringing their own farm animals. 

This became the original presepio, which was performed every year until wooden figurines were created and became the nativity scene we know today.

In Italy, presepios are made at home and are just as common as our Christmas trees are here. 

Presepios can be seen in all forms across Italy and Spain and now, Sacred Heart has one, too. 

Ms Milne said: “I’m hoping that my rather home-made offering in the Lady Chapel of the Sacred Heart will be able to charm and intrigue the children who view it, just as I was charmed and intrigued all those years ago in Rome.”

Catholic priest Father David Savoury said: “It is a wonderful way to celebrate more than a thousand years of the crib tradition.

“My hope is that children will want to see it. The church will be open all day on Christmas Eve.”

He said any children wanting to visit the home-made presepio in Sacred Heart Church on Christmas Eve must be accompanied by an adult.