Planning applications received by Somerset Council in the week ending December 6:


3/21/24/052 Full Planning Permission, Erection of extension, G & B Windows, Unit 4B Mart Road, Minehead, TA24 5BJ.


3/32/24/020 Reserved matters, Application for approval of reserved matters following outline application 3/32/24/003 for the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 1 No. dormer bungalow in the garden to the rear, Land to the rear of Stonecroft, 26 Lime Street, Stogursey, TA5 1QR.

Applications can be inspected on the council’s website or at West Somerset House, Killick Way, Williton, during office hours, or electronically only at the Reception, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.


T/31/24/001 Tree Works in Conservation Area, Notification to fell one Horse Chestnut tree within Stogumber Conservation Area, Old Wagon Barn, Station Road, Stogumber, TA4 3TQ.

Planning applications determined by Somerset Council in the week ending December 6:


3/02/24/001 Withdrawn by applicant, Full Planning Permission, Erection of agricultural storage shed with formation of access to highway, Land to the west of Cordings Ball and Bowden Farm to the north, Brompton Ralph.


3/06/24/004 Granted, Full Planning Permission, Replacement of Evoco three-bladed wind turbine with a two-bladed Gaia wind turbine on a 15m tower, Beech Tree Farm, Clatworthy, TA4 2SJ.


3/18/24/004 Granted, Full Planning Permission, Change of use of post office into residential for the main dwelling, Kilve Post Office Stores, Main Road, Kilve, TA5 1EA.


3/21/24/069 Granted, Full Planning Permission Erection of replacement rear conservatory, 65 Hayfield Road, Minehead, TA24 6AD.


3/26/23/009 Withdrawn by applicant, Full Planning Permission, Change of use of land from touring caravans, camping and amenity land to a site for 60 No. static caravan pitches, Home Farm, Blue Anchor Road, Carhampton, Minehead, TA24 6JS.


3/28/24/004 Granted, Full Planning Permission, Removal of existing garage and erection of replacement garage building, Farmers Rest, Brett Close, Sampford Brett, TA4 4JY.


3/31/24/012 Granted, Listed Building Consent, Replacement of thatched roof with water reed, change of roofing material over 3 No. dormer windows and extension of thatch overhang with installation of chicken wire to protect thatch, Willow Cottage, 7 Lower Vellow, TA4 4LS.


3/32/24/012 Granted, Full Planning Permission, Installation of security fencing between the school and adjoining neighbour's property for safeguarding and child protection purposes, Stogursey Primary School, Tower Hill, Stogursey, TA5 1PR.


3/39/24/016 Granted, Full Planning Permission, Change of use of care home into 4 No. holiday let units and 1 No. residential dwelling (retention of works already undertaken), Springhayes, Priest Street, Williton, TA4 4NJ.

Planning applications received by Exmoor National Park Authority in the week ending December 6:


6/3/24/009 Land at Higher Ford Farm, [Easting 298105; Northing 134159], Withiel Florey, Proposed construction of dwelling and garage and associated works, Mr O. Matthews & Mr E. Matthews, Shepherds Cottage, Withiel Florey, TA24 7DE’


6/9/24/020LB Exmoor National Park Authority, Exmoor House, Dulverton, TA22 9HL, Application Under Regulation 3 of The Town & Country Planning General Regulations 1992 for Listed building consent for the removal of partition walls to enable re-organisation of rooms, Mrs C. Binney-Winfield, ENPA.

6/9/24/019 7 Valentines, Dulverton, TA22 9ED, Proposed single storey rear extension and garage conversion. Resubmission of refused application 6/9/24/013, Mr & Mrs Wilson.


6/15/24/006 Land 0.3 miles South of Heath Poult Cross, East of Quarme Hill, Proposed construction of agricultural building and formation of hardstanding and track (part retrospective), Mr G. Atkins The Meadows, Exton, TA22 9LD.

A copy of applications including all plans and other documents submitted can be viewed at by following the links from the planning page to the planning application search section and inserting the application number. Alternatively, applications can be inspected during normal office hours at Exmoor House, Dulverton.