THE South Western Ambulance Service is celebrating Volunteers' Week by honouring more than 600 volunteers who support emergency services in the region.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Volunteers’ Week, celebrating the invaluable contributions of volunteers nationwide.

This includes more than 600 Community First Responders (CFRs) and 35 British Association for Immediate Care (BASICS) doctors.

These volunteers assist ambulance crews and have helped move over 100 ambulances in the past three months alone.

Patient-facing volunteers respond to 999 calls, often providing emergency care before ambulances arrive. Last year, they attended more than 22,500 calls, performing tasks from comforting patients to administering CPR.

The 35 basic doctors attend to the most critically-ill patients, bringing their pre-hospital expertise to the community.

Jane Whichello, head of volunteering at South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT), praised volunteers' dedication and encouraged others to join, highlighting the training and support provided.

For more information, visit the SWASFT website.