After what seemed like rain that would never end, sunny skies are here to stay - for the week ahead, at least.

A fresh forecast from the Met Office has predicted a fine and dry week to come, with UV levels set to approach their highest.

The hot weather is forecast to increase pollen levels, with the Met Office predicting a high pollen count across the South West.

For Wellington, the Met Office has warned of 'very high' levels of UV and pollen on Tuesday through to Thursday this week. Temperatures are forecast to reach their hottest this year so far on Friday at 23 degrees Celsius.

Across Exmoor the weather is set to be just as dry, though a tad cooler, with temperatures set to top out at 22 degrees Celsius.

Toward the weekend a breeze is set to provide some relief from the heat, particularly in coastal areas. As conditions become cloudier, there is a risk of thundery showers on Saturday.