With spring just days away bluebells are readying to blanket swathes of Somerset.

Spring begins on March 20, with the bluebell flower usually blooming from late March to early May. Bluebells are amongst the last of the spring flowers to bloom before woodland canopies block out the sun.

Bluebells typically appear in the South of England first where the weather is warmer and last for a few weeks. They are usually found in woodlands where the undisturbed soil provides nutrient rich ground from which the bluebells can grow.

Here are some of the best spots to see the springtime flowers before they disappear:


The Exmoor site along the South West coastal path is a favourite of blue bell spotters. Embedded in Exmoor National Park the bluebells are often seen carpeting open ground here, in the area near Selworthy Beacon.

Blackdown Hills

Bluebells grow across the Blackdown Hills in impressive number. From Hamburg Hill fort to Otterford the area of outstanding natural beauty is a top spot to see the flowers in bloom.

Adcombe Wood

Adcombe Wood on the Blackdown Hills near Wellington deserves particular mention. The 88 acre site hosts an ancient woodland which overlooks Taunton. In addition to the stunning views are an array of stunning wildflowers, bluebells included.

Burridge Wood

Exmoor's Burridge Wood is a great place for a stroll by the bluebells. A public footpath runs through the site with car parking as close to a 5 to 10 minute walk away in nearby Dulverton.

Thurlbear Wood

Thurlbear Wood is a Somerset Wildlife Trust’s reserve boasting excellent spring flowers, accompanied by sunny glades and butterflies.