THE flower and produce show is set to return to Wootton Courteney on August 6 - the village’s biggest event.

There are many different classes people can enter, including gardening, baking, knitting, sewing, photography, as well as flower arranging for the show.

Show chair Ingrid Popplewell said: “It is not necessarily winning prizes that is the thrill, it is taking part and adding to exhibits which creates that wonderful atmosphere in the village hall and brings us all together.”

An appeal is being made by the event organisers for the public to kindly donate prizes for the flower show raffle.

The raffle is an important part of the flower show, organisers say, who have received some wonderful donations for prizes in the past.

Exhibitors are being advised on what the judges hope to see when assessing entries. The guide is intended to help entrants.

You can view the advice sheet here A copy will be displayed in the Villagers’ Stores.

All those who won cups at the flower and produce show last year are reminded to have them engraved with their name and cleaned before returning them to the Villagers’ Stores by July 1.