A SCARLET macaw is settling into a temporary home at Tropiquaria Zoo after being found flying free around Stogumber.
The exotic bird had been spotted around the Shurton and Hinkley Point area earlier this month before finally being caught and taken to the animal park in Washford
Tropiquaria’s zoological director Chris Moiser said he was hoping the endangered parrot could still be reunited with its rightful owner.
“Although we are pleased to be playing host to such a beautiful bird it does present certain legal problems that mean that we cannot put it on show.
“Scarlet macaws are an endangered species, and as such one must be in possession of certain paperwork in order to show them to the public.
“It is also necessary that the bird is uniquely marked so that the paperwork applies directly to the bird.
“Defra normally interprets this as the bird either having a ring on its leg with certain markings on it, or a microchip implant.
“This bird has neither, and as such cannot be bought, sold, nor exhibited to the public,” he said.
Despite not having a ring or a chip the bird – which is valued at around £1,500 – could still be legally owned.
However, if it is not claimed, Tropiquaria has already had an offer of a home for it, while the Parrot Society is considering using it as part of a breeding programme.
“At present, though, with it being the holiday season, we do have to wait a few weeks to see if it is claimed as the owner could be away,” Chris said.
There is also the possibility of more than one macaw on the loose in the Somerset countryside.
Chris said: “Over the past two months a scarlet macaw has been seen in various parts of the West Country.
“He, or she, was first spotted near Sherbourne, then went to Portishead and last Friday caused a bit of a stir near Hinkley Point nuclear power station.
“Although we have only sightings of one it did seem to cover a distance of 50 miles in one day, which, while possible, is unlikely.” Anybody who spots a macaw flying free, or who knows someone who is missing a scarlet macaw, can contact Tropiquaria on 01984 640688.