RICHARD Barker won the Oake Manor Golf Club Saturday Medal Competition with an exceptional score of nett 63 off a handicap of 7. James Greenhow came second in division 1 with nett 65 while Robert Cowburn was third, also with nett 65.

Jeremy Winter won division 2 with nett 66, John Byne came second with nett 68 while Joel Savage was third, also with nett 68.

William Chinn won the Sunday Medal competition with nett 67, Mathew Durbin came second with nett 69 while Andy Avis was third with nett 70.

Zachary Smith was the runaway winner of the Wednesday Midweek Stableford Competition with 41 points, Mark Nichols was second with 37 points while Jonny Cole came third also with 37 points.

The number of competitions at Oake Manor Golf Club were greatly reduced this week due to annual course maintenance which included hollow tyning, sanding and top dressing all the greens.

Competitions get back to normal this weekend with a Friends and Family Foursomes Competition on Saturday, a mixed match against Taunton and Pickeridge on Sunday and a Seniors match against old rivals Minehead and West Somerset Golf Club on Tuesday.