THE course is playing extremely well at Oake Manor Golf Club with the greens, fairways and rough well manicured - thanks to the excellent greenkeepers we have at the club.

In the Saturday Stableford Competition Robert Cowburn won division 1, scoring 40 points. Michael Bell was second, also with 40 points ,while John Ashton came third with 39 points. Jonathon Owen won division 2 with 43 points which was the best score of the day. George Rollinson came second with 41 points and Martin Ayliffe was third with 39 points.

Keynone Blight won the Sunday Stableford Competition with an incredible score of 48 points, nett 12 shots under par, Steve Manlow came second with 41 points while Connor Perry was third with 39 points.

On Monday the Seniors played a Stableford Competition for the “Past Captains Trophy.” Paul Scribbins scored 40 points to narrowly win on count back from Nicholas Mitchell, also on 40 points, while Colin Brown came third with 39 points. The first three players in division 2 all scored 36 points but on count back Terry Brown was first, Bernard Reed was second and John Stinchcombe was third.