CHRISTOPHER Hayfield came out on top of the 94 golfers who played in the Oake Manor Golf Club Saturday Stableford. HAYFIELD won division 2, scoring 40 points to ease Andy Cooper, also 40 points, into second place on count back. Phillip Marsh came third with 36 points. Christopher Rudd won division 1 with 38 points, Michael Bell came second also 38 points while John Wall was third with 37 points.

Tom Hawkins won the Sunday Stableford competition by winning division 2 with an excellent score of 41 points, Kevin Gratton came second with 39 points and Andrew Gent was third also with 39 points. Greg Scribbins won division 1 with 38 points, Dominic Stapleton came second with 37 points while Benjamin Slade was third also with 37 points.

Karen Potter won the Ladies Sunday Stableford Competition scoring 37 points, Rosemary Jarvis came second with 34 points and Kathy Salway was third with 30 points.

The Ladies Tuesday Stableford was played on a miserable wet day. Well done to Janet Howe who scored 34 points to win the competition, Ladies Captain Liz How came second with 28 points and Angela Warnes was third with 27 points. 

Former Somerset cricketer Ian Blackwell was the runaway winner of the Wednesday Midweek Stableford.