However, a few ladies have got out to play a 14-hole competition or two.Last week saw little wind and the sun was out so a full 18 holes were played.
The competition was a ‘Waltzing Bowmaker’ with teams of three, one score to count on the first hole, two on the second, three on the third then back to one on the fourth and so on.
The winning team included new member Hilary Eden who played with Paula Parkin and Annette O’Hare who together scored 67 points. Second was the team of Flora Horne, Kay Luckett and Corinne Rees who scored 58 points.Next week, weather permitting, there is a ‘Four ball Butterball’ team competition planned. Ladies play in a group of four as a team of two.
The team member who scores the most points on a hole; their score goes on the card.Ladies have also been getting used to the new software ‘Intelligent Golf” which has been installed at the club for score entry, booking tee times extra under the watchful eye of Glenn Ross, the general manager