OAKE Manor Golf Club have held their annual championship over 36 holes, 18 on Saturday in the rain and the second 18 on Sunday on a very windy day. Ninety-two men and 22 ladies took part.

Jamie Short and Jason Brock were tied on gross 140 level par after 36 holes, but Jamie won a nail-biting three-hole play-off to become club champion for 2024.

Chris Yeates won third gross on 145.

David Wheeler won the nett championship with a nett 134 ahead of Ben Chinn in second place and Thomas Bordier in third spot, all with nett 134, but the result decided on the second round scores. David Wheeler also won the Barbara Sadler Plate for the lowest nett score on the second day.

Jane Clist was the runaway winner of the Ladies Gross Championship with a score of gross 160. Helen White came second with 178 and Charlotte Bolton was third with 183.

This was the 12th time Jane has been gross club champion and she had a clean sweep, also winning the Over 55 Championshjp and Nett Championship with a nett 142. Ladies captain Liz How was second nett on 147 and Helen White was third with nett 150.