MARK Williams, of Williton, joined his Wales team mates in Stoke-on-Trent to play in the British 8-ball Pool Championships, lasting across the weekend, which ended with his team being crowned champions.

Having played in the past three European Championships for Wales C and then Wales B, Mark was selected to represent Wales A for the first time.

The tournament was played in a league format, which saw Mark and his team mates pitted against England A, B and C, as well as Scotland A and Wales' B team.

There were several Ultimate Pool Professionals involved, and it was Mark and his team, led by professional Andy Williams (not related), who won all five of their group matches to take the title of British Team Champions, despite Mark being unwell and testing positive for Covid during the event.

Mark, who grew up in Minehead, previously played for several seasons in the West Somerset Pool League based out of Minehead Social Club. It was during Covid that Mark decided to branch out and try to push his game onto the next level, and this victory is just reward for his hard work.'