NOAH Jones has won Oake Manor Golf Club's junior championship for the third year running.

Noah scored gross 72 to beat Theo Jones by four shots.  Theo won the junior nett championship with a nett 68, pushing Noah Jones into second place with nett 70 while Joel Savage was third with nett 73.

Kathy Salway won the ladies Saturday Medal Competition with nett 70, Cathy Sheppard came second, also with nett 70, while Rose Jarvis was third with nett 74.

More than 100 men played a Medal Competition on Saturday for the John Stevens Cup. The winner was Phil Porter who won division 2 with nett 66. George Rollinson came second with nett 68, while John Byrne was third with nett 70. 

Mark Mitchell won division 1, scoring nett 67, Max Popham came second, also with nett 67, and Richard Barker was third with nett 68. The first four players in division 3 all scored nett 69 but on countback Thomas Stewart was first, Christopher Dubery second and Martin Ayliffe third.

Oliver Beynon was the clear winner of the Wednesday Midweek Stableford with 43 points, Max Popham was second with 39 points while Jason Brock came third with 38 points.