OAKE Manor Golf Club’s Captain’s Team won the Pro’s Day annual challenge competition which was held recently where the course layout is made more challenging with some greens played to from different tee positions.

Club Captain Charles St George and his team Tamsin St George, Charlotte Bolton and Shane Bordier were run away winners with a brilliant score of 120 points, second were the team of John Byrne, Paul Hadley, Paul Hadley JNR and Darren Cornwall with an excellent score of 113 while Phil Porter, Ian Loader, Christian Hopwood and Mark Mitchell were third with 107 points.

James Thomas won the Sunday Stableford Competition with 39 points, Paul Avey was second with 38 points while Bob Tye came third, also with 38 points.

In the Seniors Order of Merit Competition Edward Winter in division 2 was the overall winner scoring 39 points, Mark Howard came second with 37 points and Terry Burrow was third with 36 points. Colin Brown won division 1 with 37 points, Andrew Brown came second with 36 points while Andy Stevenson was third, also with 36 points.

*The recent warm weather has at last enabled competitions to be played without rain and windy conditions.