MORE than 100 golfers took part in the Saturday Medal at Oake Manor Golf Club for the Gardner Cup. Jonathon Owen won the cup with a superb score of nett 62.

Jonathon won Division Three, Mukihtar Zaman came second with nett 64 while Matthew Watson was third with nett 66.

Martin Adams was the Division One winner scoring nett 65, Nick Hunt came second with nett 66 and Graham Salway was third with nett 70. George Rollinson won Division Two while Charlie Hawkins came second with nett 68 and James Sussex was third with nett 69.

The result of the Sunday Medal was very close with Keynone Blight winning with nett 63, Daniel Owen was second with nett 64 while Keith Cooper third with nett 64.

Helen White won the Ladies Sunday Medal with nett 72 while Kathy Salway came second with nett 74 and Rose Jarvis third with nett 75.

Mary Beakes was the runaway winner of the Ladies Tuesday Medal Competition, winning Division Two with nett 64, Gill Nichols was second with nett 70 while Sally Jackson third with nett 71. Ladies Competition secretary Amanda Mather won Division One with nett 69, Karen Grabham was second with nett 73 while Nancy Marshall came third with nett 74.