OAKE Manor Golf Club has staged its annual Bank Holiday Mixed Greensomes Competition for the Cob and Pen Trophy.

Paul and Gill Hadley won the trophy with a superb score of 48 points. Kevin Gratton and Rosemary Webber came second with a good score of 46 points while Graham and Kathy Salway were third with 42 points. All 48 competitors sat down for a superb Oake Manor meal and prize giving after play.

On Tuesday the Ladies played a Stableford Competition for the Eileen Scragg Salver. Amanda Mather won division one with 40 points, Cathy Sheppard came second with 37 points while Rosemary Webber was third with 32 points. Suzie Pitt was the division two winner with 40 points, Jenny Swann came second with 35 points and Judy McKeller was third with 33 points.

In the Wednesday Midweek Stableford, William Parkman won division one with 36 points. Barry Hardwill was second with 35 points while Robin Trott came third, also with 35 points. The first three players in division two all scored 39 points but on count back Glen Bates came first, Andrew Gent was second and Richard Beesley was third.