MINEHEAD Cycling Club members have been busy. The normal club rides on Sunday included a road loop to South Molton, an MTB expedition to the Quantocks and a gravel ride that used the Tiverton Canal.

Further afield, Geoff Ware completed the Dragon Ride, 185 miles across the mountains of South Wales, 13200 feet of climbing in 12-hours riding was, in his words: "A Devil of a ride, but a great day out!".

Scott Ellwood and Tom Rivett rode the Dartmoor Classic in Gold Medal time, 110 miles and lots of climbing in 6 hours 45 minutes. That's a tough challenge as the Dartmoor roads are heavy going and to make the gold standard time every minute counts. A quick water stop to fill bottles is usually the only pause.

All the above were tremendous rides, but the top achievement in competitions from MCC members has to be Anne Harrison who won her age group in the European Duathlon Championships in Portugal, pushed hard all the way by the other racers she squeaked home by just 2 minutes.

Friday, June 28, from 6.30pm is an open evening for MCC members at Exmoor Adventures Porlock Weir HQ. Included will be a presentation of the bikes and adventure opportunities that Exmoor Adventures offer.