HUNDREDS of spectators turned out in brilliantly sunny Bank Holiday weekend weather to cheer on competitors in the annual Watchet Wheelbarrow Race.

They were rewarded with the sight of the winners setting a new record time for the race of 4 hours 26 minutes.

The wacky street version of a Formula One race featured dozens of teams of two race from pub to pub in customised wheelbarrows on Sunday afternoon.

Watchet Carnival Ambassador Harrison Grellier presented the awards and prizes to the various category winners.

The men’s category saw ‘Not bad yourself’ win in a record-breaking time, which was 21 minutes quicker than runners-up ‘Mario Brothers’, who came in with a time of 4 hours 47 minutes, with third place going to ‘Gangsters Barrowdise’, who lagged behind at 8 hours 9 minutes.

The fastest ladies team was ‘Heaven & Hell’, whose time was 14-04, second was ‘Waterloo’ in 14-11, and third ‘The Red Devils’ in 14-16.

The fastest mixed team ‘Captain Morgan’ finished in 6-53, second was ‘Agagagaga’ (in a Popeye voice) in 10-09, third ‘How’dy Partner’ in 13-53.

The result of the fancy dress category was: 1 ‘Transformers’, 2 ‘Siab Heads’, 3 ‘Popeye & Olive’.