THE number and quality of entries to Porlock Horticultural and Crafts Society Spring Show brought together ‘all that is special about spring in the garden’, said society secretary Anna Toeman.
Porlock Village Hall’s large hall was filled with daffodils, hellebores, camellias, and many other spring-flowering plants and shrubs.
The small hall exhibited floral arrangements including miniatures, shades of green, and those representing a book title.
The baking and preserves sections saw tables laden with ‘delicious looking’ cakes, scones, bread, pies, jams, preserves, chutneys, and more.
The homemade drinks section was won by a blueberry cordial, which the judge had never encountered before.
Children from St Dubricius Primary School showed off their talent with Easter chicks, foot and finger-painted bunnies, a mixed-media animal collage, and a pencil-drawn sheep.
There were some imaginative entries in the children’s section, which required making a model scarecrow.
Ms Toeman said: “The committee would like to thank everybody who took part in the show for being so supportive and making it all possible, and also everybody who helped with the setting up and taking down, all those extra pairs of hands really lighten the workload.”
Cups and trophies were presented by the Rev Ann Gibbs.
Cup and trophy winners: Stroud Cup (most points in sections I and II combined – Narcissi and Other Plants) Pauline Garfield; Smith Cup (runner-up in sections I and II combined) Sue Appleton; Miss A’Brook Cup (most points in section I – Narcissi) Peter Leather; Miniature Cup (best exhibit in sections I and II combined) Pauline Garfield; Lady Peacock Cup (best shrub exhibit in section II – Other Plants) – Rosalinde Haw; de Veulle Cup (most points in section III – Decorative Classes) Catherine Greer; Twyford Cup (best exhibit in section III – Decorative Classes) Caroline King; Porlock Children’s Cup (best exhibit in section IV – Children’s Entries) Behr Adlington; Lister Cup (best exhibit in section V – St Dubricius School) Madeline Little; Silver Cake Basket (most points in section VI and VII – Cookery) Wendy Pettitt.
Rosette Winners (for best exhibit in each section): I (Narcissi) Peter Leather; II (Other Plants) Pauline Garfield; III (Decorative) Caroline King; IV (Children’s Entries) Behr Adlington; V (St Dubricius School Entries) Madeline Little; VI (Baking) Lorraine Hunt; VII (Preserves) Lorraine Hunt; VIII (Homemade Drink) Linda Puxley.
Class Winners in each section: I (Narcissi) Sue Appleton, Pauline Garfield, Caroline King, Peter Leather, Caroline Lister, Jim Moon, Linda Puxley; II (Other plants) Sue Appleton, Sue Denmark, Pauline Garfield, Betty Glossop, Ruth Hyett, Caroline King, Caroline Lister, Kath Moon, Paul Murch, Jeanette Prince, Sharon Proctor, Linda Puxley, Margaret Wildig; III (Decorative) Sue Appleton, Sarah Eastwood, Catherine Greer, Caroline King, Pauline Garfield; IV (Children’s Entries) Behr Adlington, Emily Greer, Henry Greer; V (St Dubricius School) Rosie Blaney, Poppy Edwards, Madeline Little, Joss Simpson; VI (Baking) Behr Adlington, Claire Denton, Chris de Vere Hunt, Geoff Garfield, Lorraine Hunt, Wendy Pettitt, Sharon Procter, Linda Puxley, Jason Senior; VII (Preserves) Lorraine Hunt, Christine Miles, Paul Murch, Linda Puxley; VIII (Homemade Drink) Paul Murch, Linda Puxley.