WORK has started on building a West Somerset ‘forever home’ for rescued bobcat Bode.
The ground was officially broken last week on a new enclosure for Bode in Tropiquaria Zoo, near Watchet.
It has been made possible through an online fund-raising appeal which quickly broke its original aim of £3,500, and has now smashed a new £4,500 target, with nearly £5,500 from more than 200 supporters achieved to date.

Bode was rescued by Tropiquaria director Chris Moiser hours before he was to be put down by vets following a court case which forced the closure of a big cat sanctuary in Hertfordshire.
An enclosure for two pairs of Tropiquaria racoon dogs is being demolished to make way for the new bobcat pen, with Bode due to be on view for visitors by Easter.
The racoon dogs will be rehoused on the other side of the zoo grounds in an enclosure which is being extended and having a new beam installed to support the larger roof structure.
Mr Moiser said: “Although this does not look like much, the new 10 metre beam has been a complete nightmare to install correctly and we are glad that part is over.
“The foundation posts for the new walls have also been installed and work to start framing the new walls and roof will follow.
“We are hoping we can get this one finished quickly, then the raccoon dogs can move in and work can start on the bobcat enclosure itself.
“We are slightly over budget, but all the best things are, and we are determined to do it justice and create something really special.
“The original GoFundMe is still open, and with donations still trickling in we are looking to amend some of our original plans to include additional features we did not think would be possible in the beginning.”