FEARLESS fund-raisers are being invited to join St Margaret’s Hospice on Minehead Beach on New Year’s Day to take a dip in the icy sea in aid of the charity.

After braving the plunge, the St Margaret’s team will be on hand with hot drinks and warm smiles. The early bird entry fee is £9, which includes a St Margaret’s bobble hat.

All sponsorship raised will help the charity continue to care for and support families across Somerset facing a life-limiting illness.

Last year, the charity dip raised enough to pay for 80 community nurses to visit patients in their own home.

This year, the charity has its heart set on smashing that target and raising enough to pay for 100 visits.

St Margaret’s nurses visit patients across Somerset with an end-of-life diagnosis every day, providing a vital service, especially in rural communities like West Somerset.

They take the time to care for patients when they need it most, but can only do so with support from the community.

St Margaret’s marketing and events officer Ellie Weston said: “We cannot wait to join our supporters on the beach.

“What better way to start 2023 than by stepping out of your comfort zone and raising money for St Margaret’s Hospice.

“Everyone who takes part will receive a St Margaret’s bobble hat, a chance to enter our raffle to win a dry robe, and a hot drink after their dip, so please sign up and get involved.

“We hope to see as many of you there as possible.”

Anybody who wants details or to book a place can visit https://www.st-margarets-hospice.org.uk/new-years-day-charity-dip.