Planning applications received by Somerset Council in the week ending October 25:


3/02/24/004 Variation of conditions, Variation of Condition No. 02 (approved plans) of application 3/02/23/003 to allow for a balcony on the first floor extension, Long Paddocks, Pitsford Hill to Moor Mill Farm, Brompton Ralph, TA4 2RR.


3/06/24/004 Full Planning Permission, Replacement of Evoco three-bladed wind turbine with a two-bladed Gaia wind turbine on a 15m tower, Beech Tree Farm, Clatworthy, TA4 2SJ.


3/21/24/071 Full Planning Permission, Erection of single storey extension to the front elevation and single storey extension to the rear elevation, with associated internal alterations, 4 Watery Lane, Minehead, TA24 5NZ.

3/21/24/072 Full Planning Permission, Erection of flat roofed dormer on the side elevation (retention of part works already undertaken) (amended scheme for side dormer following approval of 3/21/24/035), 76 Alcombe Road, Minehead, TA24 6BB.


3/26/24/010 Full Planning Permission, Erection of 5 No. dwellings including access, drainage infrastructure, landscaping and associated works, Land north of Huish Lane, Washford.


3/30/24/004 Full Planning Permission, Erection of 2 No. dwellings following the demolition of the agricultural buildings, utilising Class Q permitted development rights as the fallback position, Beecombe Barns, Frogwell Cross to Skilgate, Skilgate.


3/32/24/012 Full Planning Permission, Installation of security fencing between the school and adjoining neighbours properties for safeguarding and child protection purposes, Stogursey Primary School, Tower Hill, Stogursey, TA5 1PR.


3/33/24/002 Full Planning Permission, Change of use of timber outbuilding into live/work unit with formation of access, Holm Close, 6 Kilton Farm Lane, Stringston, TA5 1ST.

Applications can be inspected on the council’s website or at West Somerset House, Killick Way, Williton, during office hours, or electronically only at the Reception, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.

Planning applications determined by Somerset Council in the week ending October 25:


3/01/24/007 Granted, Listed Building Consent, Erection of rear infill extension, removal of chimney on the north-west extension, installation of new and replacement windows and doors to the north-west and south-west elevations, installation of rooflights to the outshot roof and internal works and reconfigurations, Combe Cottage, 6 Dashwoods Lane, Bicknoller, TA4 4EQ.


3/05/23/013 Withdrawn by agent, Full Planning Permission, Erection of 3 No. dwellings, Land west of Church View, Carhampton.


3/21/24/045 Granted, Full Planning Permission, Erection of front porch and a garage/outbuilding, 22 Paganel Road, Minehead, TA24 5EX.

3/21/24/061 Granted, Full Planning Permission, Replacement of domestic storage building The Old Harbour House, Quay Street, Minehead, TA24 5UJ.


3/37/24/010 Granted, Full Planning Permission, Erection of single storey extension to front elevation, 7 Admirals Close, Watchet, TA23 0QD.


3/39/24/014 Granted, Full Planning Permission, Replacement of single storey sunroom and gates, Thatches, 12 Priest Street, Williton, TA4 4NJ.

3/39/24/015 Granted, Listed Building Consent, Replacement of single storey sunroom and gates, Thatches, 12 Priest Street, Williton, TA4 4NJ.

Planning applications received by Exmoor National Park Authority in the week ending October 25:


6/8/24/004 Old Stowey Bungalow, Wheddon Cross, TA24 7BT, Proposed erection of stable building, Mr F. Perchard.


WTCA 24/19 High House, 1 Castle Hill, Dunster, Minehead, Somerset, TA23 6SQ, Works to trees in a conservation area: Removal of multi stem Fig T1, Reduction of large Yew T2 to 2.5/3m, Removal of Silver Birch T3 and Removal of multi stemmed common elder T4, Ms K. Lee High House.


6/14/24/005 Agricultural Storage Barn, Honeymead, Simonsbath, TA24 7JX, Proposed change of use to part of an existing agricultural storage building to accommodate a combined office and workshop area, part change of use of the building to allow equestrian use together with installation of solar PV array to roof, Sir S. Waley-Cohen.


HRN 24/01 Hedgerow located between the A396 and Knowle Lane, Timberscombe, TA24 7TD - x:295633, y: 142645, Hedgerow removal notice for the proposed removal of 3 meters of hedgerow, Miss C. Carter, Wessex Water Wessex Water Operations Centre, Claverton Down Road, Claverton, Bath, BA2 7WW.

A copy of applications including all plans and other documents submitted can be viewed at by following the links from the planning page to the planning application search section and inserting the application number. Alternatively, applications can be inspected during normal office hours at Exmoor House, Dulverton.