A COMMUNITY share offer has been launched in Stogumber to raise funds to move the village shop and Post Office to new premises next door.

The smaller and more viable property in High Street will secure the future of the community-run store, which was taken over by residents 14 months ago on the retirement of the previous owners.

But time is short, with a ‘serious decision’ needing to be made next month, so the share offer will close on July 31.

The shop trustees hope to raise up to £350,000 for the entire project of buying, reconfiguring, and fitting out the new premises, which if successful is planned to be open by March next year.

They need to bring in at least £75,000 to be able to go forward with match funding grant applications.

A spokesperson said people from all walks of life had been running the community shop for the past year and helped make a profit of £2,500.

They said: “But the shop and Post Office needs to be put on a firm footing if it is to continue.

“We now need to consolidate our success by establishing our future location and financing.

“It is felt that the time is right to offer everybody in the community a financial share in the shop and to be part of the future of this village shop and post office.”

Stogumber Shop currently also draws customers from other villages such as Monksilver, Elworthy, Capton, Halsway, and Brompton Ralph, and its exceptional opening hours 8 am to 1 pm and 5 pm to 7 pm attracts people from Crowcombe and Bicknoller where the shops do not open as early or late.

It is also a Dunster Surgery pick-up point for prescriptions, which is vital for those without easy access to transport.

The spokesperson said: “You do not need to input large amounts of cash, although that would be welcome.

“You can input a small amount if you wish to support your village shop.

“You can do this by purchasing a large or smaller ‘share’ in the shop or by simply donating whatever you can afford on a one-off basis if you would like to support your community shop and Post Office.”

“This is a genuine community effort for the benefit of all the community and will benefit not just us but our children who will still be able to walk safely to the shop to spend their ‘pocket money’ and we can still all pay our bills and post our parcels.”

The shop aims to ‘provide the goods and services Stogumber wants’ at prices which are competitive with nearby Williton and to keep open its Post Office to contribute to a strong sense of community, enabling residents to shape and develop the business.

It supports local producers and the local economy, reduces the need to use cars, and helps improve the health and wellbeing of the community and reduce social isolation, while offering volunteering opportunities.

Details of the share option are available online here.