VANDALS have been moving road closure signs and opening gates to allow access to Cleeve Hill, Watchet, where the B3191 has been shut because of the danger of cliffs collapsing.

Watchet Somerset county Cllr Rosemary Woods said the whole area was still subsiding and people should not interfere with the signs.

County council engineers had to secure the site again after vandals struck at the weekend and they have now installed wire mesh fencing and put in concrete blocks.

SCC service manager Paul Tucker said the damaged Blue Anchor side gate was being repaired and was expected be re-installed this week, and extra signs had been ordered.

Mr Tucker said specialists had carried out further visual inspections of the carriageway and found evidence of movement in the road in the form of undulations within its surface.

He said the kerb line had also deformed, including rotation and displacement.

Mr Tucker said: “The variety and degree of deformation suggests that there is some movement occurring.

“Cracking was also observed in the foundation of the safety fencing and there was also evidence of movement in the embankment to the rear of the highway.

“Therefore, the carriageway continues to remain closed to all vehicular, equine, cycling, and pedestrian traffic for safety reasons.”