TOWN councillors have welcomed new owners for Watchet Marina and hope to see positive interactions to put the marina at the centre of the town’s economic and social wellbeing.

Western Marinas took over last week after three turbulent years under the Marine and Property Group (MPG), which went into administration early last year.

A council spokesperson said councillors had continually advocated ‘the key economic significance of the marina to the town’s residents and local business community, especially in the context of current economic challenges we all face’.

The spokesperson said: “We believe a fully-regenerated marina at the centre of Watchet remains a key goal in achieving the economic and social wellbeing of the town.

“Immediate priorities require Somerset Council to dredge the outer harbour and Western Marinas to dredge the inner marina, repair the gate, and restore confidence in boat owners to return to Watchet as a fully-functioning marina.

“Longer-term prospects include initiatives to renew and develop other aspects of the boatyard and East Quay.

“We are pleased to see the commitment expressed by Western Marinas and look forward to positive interactions with them and all who can partner to achieve these aims.”

A spokesperson for Watchet Boat Owners Association, said it was delighted to learn of the takeover of the marina lease by Western Marinas.

The spokesperson said it hopefully signalled the end of ‘months if not years’ of uncertainty regarding the future of the marina.

They said: “We are pleased the company’s declared key objectives are to fix the tidal gate and to work closely with Somerset Council as the harbour authority, together with consultants, to deliver a full dredging campaign along with other parallel improvement works to return the marina to full operation.

“Given the setbacks of the past, which have significantly dented confidence in Watchet Marina both in Watchet and in the Bristol Channel boating fraternity in general, we are happy the new company has the right personnel with the right skills and experience at the helm to give Watchet its best chance.

“We look forward to working closely with the new company to make Watchet Marina the successful operation we know it can be and ensure delivery of all the benefits to the local economy that success will bring.”

Meanwhile, marina berth holders who are in arrears with their fees face being locked out by the new company.

Marina manager Matt Driscoll has written to boat owners to say previous key codes and fobs to gain access to the pontoons and toilets were no longer valid.

Mr Driscoll said anybody who had not been issued with new codes or fobs should contact the marina office.

He said codes and fobs for berth holders with more than two months’ outstanding balances had been suspended until their accounts were brought up to date.

Somerset Council is now negotiating to give Western Marinas an extension of the marina lease to 200 years.

The unitary authority had previously been looking at extending the 125-year lease held by MPG despite the company’s murky financial background.