AN Exmoor gun and fishing shop has been shortlisted for one of this year’s ‘rural Oscars’ regional business awards.

Lance Nicholson Fishing and Guns, of Dulverton, is one of five nominees in the rural enterprises category of the Countryside Alliance Awards for the Westcountry.

Businesses are judged on a range of criteria, including their passion and commitment, sense of community, championing local produce, and the energy and diversity of their enterprise.

Voting for award winners is done by the public casting their votes online for their favourite rural businesses and is open until midnight on April 6.

Regional champions will be announced on the Countryside Alliance website, and they will then go forward to the next round to compete against other regional winners from across the country.

The final results for the awards, which are now in their 17th year, will be announced in the House of Lords on June 18.

Countryside Alliance policy and campaigns director Sarah Lee said: “Being nominated for the awards can have a real impact on rural businesses.

“The businesses which go on to become champions will receive regional and national recognition, strengthening the reputation of their brand.

“Yet again, we have been taken aback by the volume of nominations this year.

“So many wonderful businesses have been sent in by the public.

“Every business has an important story to tell, it is so important they are recognised.

“The secret to the ‘rural Oscars’ popularity is that they honour the people involved in these businesses, and not just their produce or services.

“At this critical time for so many rural businesses, it is vital we all show our support in whatever way we can.

“We encourage as many people as possible to get voting.

“When you have voted, please share the link with friends and families.”