NATURE’S fight-back against climate change and environmental damage will be discussed and explained by a panel of experts at a special event organised by Carhampton Climate Group tomorrow (Saturday, March 9) from 10am-1pm in Carhampton Village Hall.
Experts taking part in “Woodlands, Wetlands and Wildlife - Nature’s Recovery in West Somerset”, will include Cllr Dixie Darch and Cllr Steve Drury (Somerset Council leads for climate and nature recovery), Ben Eardley (project manager, National Trust riverlands and beaver projects) and Angie Cruse (Plantlife’s South West advisor for temperate rainforests).
The event will be told how Porlock Vale’s new wetlands are attracting wildlife and helping flood prevention and on how Horner Wood is playing a vital part in maintaining rare and important species.
The audience are asked to bring their own thoughts and questions to put to the presenters, and invited to view the National Trust’s virtual tour of the Holnicote beaver reserve while enjoying real coffee and home-made cake!
One of the organisers said: “This will be a free event but donations are welcomed. There is no need to book for what we are sure will be a very special event.”
For more information, go to [email protected] / Tel. 01643 821756.