RESIDENTS across the West Somerset and Wellington areas are being invited to join a charity abseil next month to raise funds to support the county’s wildlife and wild places.

Somerset Wildlife Trust is holding its annual ‘Abseil for Wildlife’ in a quarry near Weston-super-Mare on April 19.

People taking part will abseil 130 feet down a cliff face, which the charity said was suitable for anybody aged from nine years, although those under 18 will need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

Trust fund-raising manager Kate Wilson said: “The abseil challenge is such a fun and unforgettable way to help the nature right on your doorstep.

“By asking your friends and family to sponsor you, you will be raising vital funds that will help us work towards our goal of ensuring at least 30 per cent of land and sea is managed positively for nature, allowing us to create more space for wildlife, reverse the decline in species diversity, and create resilient landscapes and habitats to benefit both people and nature.

“This will be the fourth year we have hosted the abseil alongside our partners at Aardvark Endeavours, and since then, over 50 people have taken part, successfully raising an incredible £10,886 for our charity.

“We simply would not be able to do all the work we do across Somerset without brilliant people like this taking on thrilling challenges like abseils to help push themselves to new limits and raise funds at the same time.

“Over half of UK species have declined since 1970, while more than one in 10 are under threat and at risk of disappearing altogether.

“We are in an ecological and climate emergency, and your support could not come at a more critical time.”

More information and how to book places on the abseil can be found on the trust’s website.