A BRIDLEWAY maintained by volunteers in Kilve has been suffering repeated attacks of vandalism.

The permissive Hilltop Jubilee Path opened last August and runs from the bottom of Rowditch Lane to the A39 about a quarter-of-a-mile further west near the ‘Cider Barn’.

It is considered ‘a real asset’ because the safe circular route avoids the A39, where parish councillors want to reduce traffic speed to 30mph.

Walkers, cyclists, and horse riders regularly use it, but there has been vandalism of a small bridle gate near the Rowditch Lane end.

A parish spokesperson said the damage had been reported to police and anybody who came across further vandalism should call 101.

They said: “The bridle gate was installed to allow the farmer to close it across the path when moving livestock in or out of the field.

“This stops animals escaping down the path.

“Otherwise, the landowners request the gate is left open.”