TOWN councillors are being asked to support this year’s Minehead Bay Festival with £2,500 of sponsorship.

The free to attend festival is organised by Minehead and Coast Development Trust (MCDT) and is now in its fourth year.

It will be held on the sea front in Minehead on Saturday, August 30, from 12 noon until 6 pm.

Councillors meeting on Tuesday (March 25) will be told their contribution will entitle them to sponsorship/naming rights of an activity area, as well as having the council’s logo on posters, and a free stand at the event.

Sand artist Chris Oakey and helpers celebrate a Make A Wish creation on the beach as part of Minehead Bay Sand artist Chris Oakey and helpers celebrate a giant 'wish' creation on the beach as part of Minehead Bay Festival.
Sand artist Chris Oakey and helpers celebrate a giant 'wish' creation on the beach as part of the 2024 Minehead Bay Festival. PHOTO: James A Photography. ( )

Town clerk Ben Parker said: “The council supported the event last year, which was well attended and received by the public.

“The 2024 festival attracted approximately 5,000 attendees, with anticipated attendance of 5,000-6,000 people for 2025.”

Mr Parker said the event aimed to deliver free, high-quality arts, culture, and entertainment for the public on Minehead sea front.

The festival would help to boost visitor numbers for the town and provide economic benefits such as creating employment for local artists and creatives.

It also offered educational opportunities for young people, enhanced community wellbeing and pride in the town, and reduced social isolation.

Mr Parker said sponsorship options ranged from £500 to £5,000, while the council had budgeted £2,500 for it as part of the cost of putting on events in the town this year.

MCDT is holding a session in the Channel Adventure Centre, Minehead, on Monday (March 24) from 7 pm to 8.30 pm for people to share thoughts on how to make the festival ‘greener’ this year.

A spokesperson said: “Join us for a friendly and interactive session where you can meet the team behind Minehead Bay Festival and help shape a more sustainable and eco-friendly event.

Fire eaters wowed audiences at the free entertainment Minehead Bay Festival.
Fire eaters wowed audiences at the free entertainment Minehead Bay Festival last year. PHOTO: James A Photography. ( )

“We will be looking at all areas of the festival and asking ‘what can we do better?’.

“Your ideas and input are vital in making the festival greener and more environmentally responsible.

“Come along, share your thoughts, and be part of something positive for our community and the planet.”

The trust is also looking for a Somerset-based artist or creative practitioner to work with it to deliver its ‘Flags of Nature Project’.

The chosen artist will design and apply their ideas on 12 flags to celebrate ‘the fantastic nature in and around Minehead’ which be will be showcased at the festival.

Skateboarding sessions were a big attraction for youngsters at Minehead Bay Festival.
Skateboarding sessions were a big attraction for youngsters at the 2024 Minehead Bay Festival. PHOTO: James A Photography. ( )

The spokesperson said: “If you are passionate about creating art for all and community engagement, we would love to hear from you.”

Applications will close on April 13

Full details are available on the festival website.