The Mayor of Minehead, Cllr Craig Palmer, was re-appointed to serve a second term in office at the town council’s annual meeting.

Cllr Palmer has been a town councillor since 2019 and was chairman and mayor during the past municipal year.

Councillors also voted for Cllr Anne Lawton to continue to serve as Minehead’s deputy mayor for the 2024-25 year.

Cllr Palmer said: “I am honoured to be re-elected by my fellow councillors to continue leading Minehead forward.

“We have made great strides this past year, and I look forward to building on that progress for the benefit of all our residents.”

Cllr Lawton said: “I am delighted to continue in my role, working alongside the mayor and all fellow councillors, to protect all that is good about the town, and to develop what can be made better.”

Key priorities for town council in the coming year include continuing to trial an alternative street weed control programme, improving community engagement, and working with the unitary Somerset Council in its its financial crisis.

Cllr Palmer and fellow councillors also expressed their commitment to being guided by the needs and values of Minehead’s residents.

The town council is the elected local government body representing Minehead and plays a vital role in promoting the interests of the community it serves.

The council currently has 10 councillors, with another three seats unfilled, who meet monthly in the Community Centre, in Irnham Road, where residents can attend and raise issues directly with them.