COASTGUARDS from Minehead and Watchet were deployed on a search and rescue mission after a dog fell off a cliff on North Hill, overlooking Quay Street and Minehead Harbour.

They helped the dog’s owners to search paths, tracks, and nearby roads in case the animal had managed to make its way further down or back up the steep coastal slope.

An extensive search did not find anything, but just as the teams were about to be stood down a sound was heard coming from a wooded area above Minehead Lifeboat Station.

The dog was then sighted but it was in a location which the owner could not safely access.

However, one of the Coastguard’s cliff rescue technicians was able to descend from above and perform a rope/cliff rescue with the dog encouraged into an animal rescue bag and recovered to a track 320 feet above them.

Lynmouth Coastguard Search and Rescue members were also tasked in support as a back up cliff rescue team and helped on scene with recovery of the cliff technician and dog.

The dog appeared uninjured but was taken to a local veterinary practice to be checked over.

A Coastguard spokesperson said owners of stranded or lost animals should not to attempt rescues on their own, particularly on cliffs, mud/quicksand, or in coastal waters, and instead should call 999 and ask for the coastguard for support, attendance, or advice.

More on-call coastguards are currently being recruited in Minehead to respond to emergency situations along the coastline.